Welcome to the Green Thoughts website

In the Spring Garden neighborhood of Philadelphia we have a community garden which was begun in 1995.  It is about 2.7 acres and is located between 18th and 19th streets (E-W) and between Wallace and North streets (S-N).  There are about 180 member-leased plots.  Most plots are 10’ x 20’ and we grow mostly vegetables and flowers. The community garden is called The Spring Gardens and we lease the space and are under the supervision of the Philadelphia Parks and Recreation Department.

aerial photo by nick gruberg

Beginning in 2017 we have had an on-line publication called Green Thoughts where we exchange ideas and wisdom about how to do better gardening. We hope you enjoy our publication.  This website contains links to all the back issues of Green Thoughts and also contains a brief index highlighting the principal stories in each issue.

Index of Green Thoughts issues – click here